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'Tess' |

Am/Can Ch Bravo's Northern Star
(AmCan Ch Palary's Sky Scanner x Bravo's Celeste)
Tess set a path for us to follow; she was the beginning of Rainforest, teaching us about Collies, dog shows and everything in between. She was our second collie, but our first show dog. Owner-handled, Tess was a group-placing bitch in Canada, and she finished her American Championship with two Specialty majors. Tess always stood "four-square", showed like a dream, had the most wonderful ear carriage and soft, sweet expression. She held those virtues until the day she died. As a brood bitch, she was only bred once (producing four Champions), but her virtues and those of her family continue in our pedigrees today.
Tess was bred by Michelle Altier of Bravo Collies in Washington state. Michelle became a wonderful friend and mentor to us, and her influence can be seen throughout our kennel.
'Huey' |
MBISS Am/Can Ch Rainforest's Heart and Soul
(Am/Can Ch Starr's First Class ex Ch Bravo's Diana)
Huey was co-bred with Michelle Altier of Bravo Collies. His dam was a double up on the pedigree that produced Am/Can Ch Bravo's Northern Star and Am/Can Ch Bravo's Just-in Time. His sire was a son of the never-to-be-forgotten Am Ch Starr's Blue Jeans and Am Ch City View's Advantageboth Collie Club of America Best of Breed winners. Huey was breeder/owner/handled throughout his spectacular show career, and was recognized by a virtual "who's who" of breeder-judges: George Horn, Helga Kane, Milt Walker, John Honig, Virginia Hampton and Dorothy Welsh.
He began his Specials career as a young dog, winning the 1989 Collie Club of Canada National Specialty, where there was a record entry! He finished his career winning Best of Breed at the Collie Club of Washington as a veteran, holding his virtues throughout his life. In between, he was Best in Specialty or Best of Opposite Sex at the Collie Club of BC Specialty in 1989, 1991 and 1992. His U.S. majors, including a Specialty major, were both under breeder-judges. Usually a show dog, always a couch potato, Huey's memory lives in his kids, grandkids and great-grandkids.
'Versace' |

BISS Can/Am Ch Barkley's Lonely Chaplin
(JCC Gr Ch Barkley's Top Gun ex JCC Gr Ch Barkley's Princess Royal)
Thanks to the generosity of Japan's top breeder, Nanae Takenoshita, Versace made the journey to Canada as a young dog. He was owned by Rodney Oishi, Nanae Takenoshita and Susan Bertrand. Nanae has been able to import to Japan some outstanding dogs from the Starr and Countryview families. Versace's pedigree boasts some great Japanese collies, who are offspring of names such as Am/Can Ch Countryview Motion Picture, Ch Starr's Genuine Jeans and the great CCA winner-AmCh Starr's Blue Jeans. Elegance and type are trademarks of this family.
Versace had a stellar career in Canada. #4 Collie (#1 in the West) in 1999 and #2 Collie in 2000. He topped a quality entry at the Collie Club of Canada 2000 National by going Best in Specialty Show under breeder-judge Grace Kosub. In the United States, he finished his American championship with multiple Best of Breed wins, finishing his Championship by going BB at the Seattle Kennel Club. Versace lived out his retirement at Rainforest until his death in 2006.
'Lacey' |

MBISS Am/Can Ch Rainforest Bravo Silver Lace HIC
(Ch Rainforest's Ziggy Stardust ex Ch Bravo's Estrella II)
Lacey was co-bred and co-owned with Michelle Altier, as well as being co-owned with Tony Williams and Terry Harrell. Lacey had a great show career. She finished her Canadian championship by going WB at the 1996 Collie Club of Canada National Specialty. Since finishing in Canada, she has won Awards of Merit and Best of Opposite Sex at various Specialties. Her most recent win was going Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Specialty at the 2000 Collie Club of Canada National. Her American career is equally spectacular-winning the Open Blue Class at the CCA in Reno and finishing her championship with two Specialty majors-the last one taking her all the way to Best of Breed from the classes at the Inland Empire Specialty. Her most recent American win was going Best of Breed again at the Inland Empire Specialty in 2001.
When not being show by Susan, she was shown to perfection by Rodney Oishi. Her pedigree is a blend of the families that we have admired throughout the years. Combining her virtues from those families, Lacey was a very special Collie at Rainforest. Sadly, she died of a stroke at the age of 9 years. |
'Spice' |

MBISS Am/Can Ch Norelwyn's Spice Of Rainforest
(Am Ch Fury's The Sprit Of Legends ex Norelwyn's Simply Irresistable)
Spice was bred by Rob and Barb Mauthe of Norelwyn Collies. We fell in love with her sire at the Colorado Springs CCA and were thrilled when Rob and Barb agreed to share this Ara daughter. Spice finished her American championship with a Specialty major and wins during very competitive circuits. She has won the Collie Club of British Columbia Specialty twice, the last time from the veteran class. Throughout her career, Spice was owner-handled or handled by her good friend, Rodney Oishi. Only bred once, to Am Can Ch Fury's Shake Down the Thunder, her pedigree continued through her grandson, Am Can Ch Tayside's High Plains Drifter, a dog who has placed in the Top Five rankings for the smooth Collies in 1998 and 1999, being breeder/owner/handled by Bev and Perry Korness. Spice will always be very special to us. Spice lived to the ripe old age of 13 years.
'Tiffany' |

MBISS Am/Can Ch Demuir's Precious Moments
(Am Ch Chez-D's Rhapsody In Blue ex Am Can Ch Demuir's Precious and Few)
Bred by Lana Group, Tiffany was co-owned with Michelle Altier, living out her retirement years here at Rainforest. Her pedigree contains some of the most outstanding dogs from the Pacific Northwest. This bitch had a lot to be proud of and brag about. She had a great show career; she was a multiple Specialty winner in the USA (her last win from the veteran class) and finished her Canadian championship under breeder-judges. She is the dam of American champions who have also had their share of Specialty wins. She was always a ringside favourite among breeders. True to her pedigree, she matured wonderfully and held her virtues until the day she died. Tiffany lived to the fine old age of 13 years. |
'Estrella' |

Ch Bravo's Estrella II
(Bravo's Leonel ex Bravo's Celeste)
Estrella was bred by and co-owned with Michelle Altier. A granddaughter of Am/Can Ch Rainforest's Heart and Soul, her pedigree is line-bred on the family that started our kennel. As a Huey granddaughter, she was a link to our beginnings. As the dam of AmCan Ch Rainforest Bravo Silver Lace, she was responsible for producing one of our favourite Champions. A sweet, sweet Collie, with the softness of expression that we love; she was the Collie that appealed to just about everyone who visited our kennel. Estrella stayed at Rainforest until her death in 2002, at the age of eleven. |
'Ziggy' |

Ch Rainforest's Ziggy Stardust
(Am Can Ch Fury's Shake Down The Thunder ex Darlyn's Foxy Lady)
Ziggy was co-bred with Sandy Macfarlane of Countrystyle Collies. His sire is a half-brother to Am Ch Fury's the Spirit of Legends. His dam is a blend of the lines of the Pacific Northwest combined with Clarion and Paradice Collies. Ziggy finished his championship in one weekend, taking Best of Breed over specials and a Best Puppy in Group. Ziggy is the sire of MBISS AmCan Ch Rainforest Bravo Silver Lace. This picture shows him as a puppy. Ziggy lived out his life at Rainforest, living to the age of 12. |
'Casey' |

Ch Bravo's Dark Desparado
(Hollibrooke Bravo's Mastercard ex Am Ch Argyll's Just A Fantasy)
Casey was bred by and co-owned with Michelle Altier. In addition to his Canadian championship, Casey was U.S. major-pointed. His sire was a blend of Bravo, Starr and Clarion lines. His dam was line-bred on the Argyll family of collies. This dog was a complete package; we loved his expression (especially pretty for a tri-colour), overall balance, substance and great, smooth movement.
'Penny' |
"Sophie' |
Ch Bravo Spirit of Rainforest
Ch Bravo's Little Bit o' Wysdom |
(MBISS Am/Can Ch Rainforest's Heart and Soul ex Bravo's Leona) |
Penny (left) and Sophie (right) are our two favourite Huey daughters. They were bred by Michelle Altier of Bravo Collies. Their dam's pedigree has the same family that produced Tess and Huey, with the added ingredient of Am Can Ch Dandenong's Impossible Dream, one of our favourite dogs from the Northwest. Penny was owned by Rainforest throughout her show career (she enjoyed a wonderful retirement with a great family). Sophie is owned by Chris Milroy. Pictured here at a fairly young age, both these bitches matured into lovely bitches-exhibiting one of the qualities we really value-the older they get, the better they get!.
Sophie's last time in the ring was in the 10-and-over Veteran class at the 2000 Collie Club of Canada National. Much older, and much grayer, Sophie did her dad proud that day! Sophie passed away just before Christmas 2001, one month shy of her 13th birthday. Many thanks to Chris Milroy for giving her such a great life. |
'Ladybug' |
'Serena' |
Ch Rainforest's Ladybug |
Ch Rainforest's Just For Hollibrooke |
(BIS/BISS Am/Can Ch Bravo's Just-in Time ex Am/Can Ch Bravo's Northern Star)
LB (left) and Serena (right) were two of the four champions from our first litter. Both were group-placing bitches. Their sire, Justin, was the Number 1 Collie in Canada in 1985. In addition to being a great show dog, he was one of the sweetest Collies we have ever known. These are grown-up pictures of the puppies shown on our main page. LB had a great love for life, and she was always fun to show. Serena was U.S. major pointed and had the virtues that we look for today - a full, smooth muzzle; lovely side movement; a soft, sweet face. |
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