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Not Just a Pretty Face @ Rainforest
Herding Collies
Collies are far more than a pretty face. While our focus is on conformation, we are thrilled to see our dogs at work. The picture above is AmCan Ch Tallywood Rainforest Radiant having a great time obtaining her HIC certificate.
Some of our Collies showing
off their natural
instincts! We also want to thank our many owners of our Rainforest Collies for the time and training put into attaining numerous herding titles & achievements.
Can Ch Rainforest Dark Side O' The Moon PCD Can/Am/ASCA CD, HT,
HS, JHD, HIC, CGC, TT, VCX (AWCA), Therapy Dog
Clarion Tallywood Absolute ex Am/Can Ch Tallywood Rainforest Radiant
Shadow is by far the
most titled Collie ever bred by Rainforest. She is pictured
working sheep with her co-owner, Pearl Fabbro, of Celticmoon
Collies. We can't say enough good things about
Pearl's dedication to proving that Collies can excel in so many different
Ch Rainforest's Gingersnap CDI,CDX,AgN,CGC,TT,HIC,VCX, Therapy Dog
(BISS Can/Am Ch Barkley's Lonely Chaplin ex Countrystyle's Gem of
Rainforest )
Ginger obtained her Herding
Instinct Certificate in the fall of 2001, at the tests held by the Collie
Club of Canada at Lynn Leach's Downriver Farms. Thanks to Pearl
Fabbro for giving Ginger the opportunity to work with

Rainforest Under the Influence HIC
(Ch Rainforest Under The Lights x Ch Rainforest Exhuberant)
Jackson is pictured getting his HIC at the tender age of eight months. Jackson is following in his father's pawprints and showing great aptitude for the herding arena. Jackson is owned and very much loved by Mary-Ellen Smith and her family.

Am/Can Ch Tayside's High Plains Drifter HT
(Rainforest's The Thunder Rolls ex Ch Gemstone's Smooth As
Silk II)
Kidd is pictured working
sheep for his breeder/owner/handlers, Bev and Perry Korness. Kidd
finished his Canadian and US championships easily, along with ranking in
the Top 5 for Smooth Collies for several years. His grandmother is
our much loved BISS AmCan Ch Norelwyn's Spice of Rainforest. In his
retirement, Kidd found time to obtain his HT title in Herding.
In addition, the following dogs residing at
Rainforest also obtained their Herding Instinct Certificates:
Ch Tallywood Rainforest Radiant HIC (see top photo)
MBISS Am/Can Ch Rainforest Bravo Silver Lace
BISS Ch Rainforest's Centurion HIC
Ch Rainforest Evenstar HIC
Ch Rainforest Luminesce HIC
Ch Rainforest Under The Lights HIC
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